Thursday, September 10, 2009

Perseverance is the key

So I had the opportunity to interview at Delta yesterday. I couldn't resist the allure it had on me and went for it (can we say flight benefits?). The people I met were wonderful and though I felt like a complete tool by the time I went home (those pesky interview questions...I'll never know why they think having me sell them a stapler will tell them anything about my skills of persuasion), I got the job!

Can we say "yay"?

After accepting the job offer, I was told to mozy on down to a run-down brick building that quite possibly housed questionable activities and pee in a cup. We all know that clean urine can determine if you're fit for employment.

With the background check, the interview and the drug screening, yesterday was completely busy. Anyway, now that I have the job, I'm faced with a few questions:

1. Do I really want to drive all the way past the airport everyday?

2. And if so, can I trust myself (and my car) to be safe enough when the sunshine turns to snow?

3. Is that a risk I'm willing to take?

4. Does time away from Andy and the safety risks of the drive (not to mention all that gas money) outweigh the opportunities of going places and seeing the world?

All in all, I'm just horribly confused. I want us to travel so badly! But I can't quite get over this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Realistically, I don't even think we'd be able to use the awesome flight benefits. Andy is in school until June and after that....we're outta here!

So, for the few readers of our little blog, any opinions? Any insight would be so helpful.

P.S. Today I was offered a job as a crossing guard at an elementary school. How weird and random is that? It sounds like fun though, so I guess I do have other options.


AlixSteele said...

Here are my thoughts...If you don't feel good about it and you think it's a prompting, don't do it. Usually when I get a bad feeling about doing something I want to do I figure it's not coming from me. That being said, as far as your other concerns...1) Gas - if you have other prospects that pay just as much when you adjust for gas, then you might want to go with them. But otherwise, even if it does cost a bunch to drive, some money is always better than no money. 2) Snow - They seem to usually have 1-15 plowed pretty well, so it will just be getting out of Provo, which you'd have to do no matter where you worked. And there's always Trax if you really don't want to drive some days. 3) The people I know who work for Delta take awesome weekend trips to places like California and Hawaii all the time...I'm sure you'd find a way to use your benefits. Without a doubt, if I were you I'd do it...but not if I had a strong feeling I shouldn't.

Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

I didn't know you started updating your blog again! I enjoyed reading all about Disney World. How Fun!

Please Become a Crossing Guard.